Heather Moulder

Heather is an experienced executive director with over 16 years of NHS Board experience; known for her professionalism and integrity. Track record of delivering complex change both as a commissioner and provider. Respected health and social care system leader with strong communication skills and the ability to engage stakeholders at all levels. Clinician by background she has successfully led the redevelopment of complex clinical pathways across a range of diverse stakeholders in complex political environments.


Skilled in translating complex information and creating a narrative for change
Able to produce documents and presentations to a high standard
Expert communicator who can bring together health and care partners to achieve collaborative improvement
Credible clinical leadership style which engages all levels of staff
Ability to create social connections and understand the impact of system conditions


Senior NHS experience including MD/CEO and Clinical Director roles
Cancer and Heart and Stroke Network Board Chair
Member of national and regional working parties
Organisational start up and assurance
Joint commissioning and integrated service delivery
Organisational reconfiguration including bringing together 8 PCT providers into 1 NHS Trust
Strong track record of managing performance in challenged health social care economies


Heather is a clinician by background (nurse, midwife and health visitor) She has worked across all areas of the health sector including mental health and learning disability She led a first wave Community Trust through arm`s length arrangements to NHS Trust status. Heather has a successful track record working collaboratively with local authorities including joint commissioning of intermediate care and children services and the joint provision of prevention of admission services. She recently worked with the Cabinet Office on behalf of three major UK charities on the role of the 3rd sector in reducing delayed transfers of care and unnecessary hospital admissions. Heather has extensive CHC experience, operationally and at Director level.