
Zecky believes the essential part of coaching is to help people to learn to silence that inner voice that is preventing them reach their full potential and allow their instincts, or their subconscious, to take over.

Sometimes that means distracting it, and sometimes it’s about exploring the ‘worst case scenario’ and removing the fear. Coaching can be hugely liberating and our expert coaches can help you let go and prepare for what happens next.

We believe coaching should be a bespoke tailor made approach anchored on the client’s needs but strongly based on their individual circumstances, personality and working style through listening.

In collaboration with our clients we construct a blended approach from tried and tested coaching methodologies which have a proven track record. We help initiate a positive effect to enable and empower our clients to develop their skills and consequently benefit the organisation further.

Successful interaction between the coach and the client enables considered reflection about the system. This builds a greater insight into existing skills in leading organisations and people and how these can be strengthened . This will help to maximise a constructive and effective team working environment by helping the client utilise and develop not only their own skills but the skills of all the individuals within that team.


Zecky believes:

In our experience coaching  is a great tool to help enable clients to work through awkward or difficult working  relationships and interactions. Coaching has enabled clients to have a productive exchange and identify when outside influences negatively impact upon the working environment . This can help clients to shift from situations which have created stress and reduced productivity to enabling them to develop clear coping strategies and subsequently improve their performance.

Coaching with Zecky can enable leaders to leave their ‘personal rucksack’ behind in order to focus on
the organisations objective. They become equipped to know when it is appropriate to reach back in the rucksack in order to address and improve both theirs and their teams performance.